Generally, money making websites are those in which you use affiliate marketing to make money or Google Adsense. Money making websites are not a get rich quick scheme. It is definitely not a case of launching the website and that's it.
In order for Google Adsense or affiliate marketing to work it is essential to get visitors to your website. Before I go into detail about getting visitors to you site I will briefly explain what Google Adsense is (affiliate marketing has previously been explained).
Google Adsense is a program which allows you to have Google ads on your website in which you earn money for people clicking on those ads. These Google ads are not your ads, but those of others advertsing through Google.
The only way to make money from such websites is from traffic to your website. You therefore need to advertise. There are plenty of free ways in which you can advertise a website. You can also pay to advertise. If you are looking for fast results then the pay methods of advertising are more effective. However, if you are prepared to wait a little longer, the free advertising methods are just as effective.
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